
The purpose of this study is to identify and focus on the work of the exceeding great horn and the restoration of the truth.

Prayer Thought:

GC 452 “Again, the command is given: “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.” It is not the wicked world, but those whom the Lord designates as “my people,” that are to be reproved for their transgressions. He declares further: “Yet they seek Me daily, and delight to know My ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God.” Isaiah 58:1, 2. Here is brought to view a class who think themselves righteous and appear to manifest great interest in the service of God; but the stern and solemn rebuke of the Searcher of hearts proves them to be trampling upon the divine precepts.” {GC 452.3}

Read Daniel 8: 3-8

Which kingdom does the Ram represent?

The kings of Media and Persia – Dan. 8: 20

Which kingdom does the Goat represent?

The rough goat is the king of Grecia – Dan. 8: 21

Who does the notable horn between the eyes of the Goat symbolizes?

The great horn between his eyes is the first king, Alexander the Great – Dan. 8: 21

What does the breaking of the great horn and the emergence of four others depict?

The death of Alexander and the dividing of the kingdom among his four generals .Not to his power means that they are not his posterity. Ptolemy (south), Lysimacus (north), Cassander (west) and Seleucus (east) – Dan. 8: 22.

Why is Medo-Persia represented by a ram and Grecia by a goat? Why not the reverse? Why not some other species of animal?

Jesus gives the answer in Matt. 25: 32, 33. The kings of the Medo-Persian Empire became believers of the true God (Dan. 7: 4; Isa. 45: 1; Ezra 1; 2); thus having principles contrary to those of Grecia. For that reason Medo-Persia is represented by a ram and Grecia by a goat (2SR 53).

2. Read Daniel 8: 9, 23-25

Which kingdom is represented by the exceeding great horn?

At the end of the reign of the kings of Grecia, “a king of fierce countenance” emerged. This king must be Pagan Rome, the kingdom that succeeded Grecia. The “exceeding great horn” came out of one of the four horns of the goat. Dan. 11: 5 explains that “one of the princes” of the kingdom of the south was to have a great dominion. This prince, therefore, is symbolize by the exceeding great horn, and shows that it came from the horn which symbolized the Ptolemaic Dynasty – the southern division. This is where Pagan Rome originated (12Tr. 13).

What is meant by “the transgressors are come to the full”?

Since sin is transgression of the law, it follows that the “transgressors” are those who are well acquainted with God’s law. Thus, they could only be speaking of the Jewish nation who had come to the “full,” or, reached its limit in moral and spiritual corruption.

What is meant by understanding dark sentences?

To understand dark sentences, a supernatural power must be employed. Since he will “destroy the holy people” and “stand against the Prince of princes” (Dan. 8:24, 25), the power employed is Satan (Rev. 12: 3, 4, 9).

What is meant by “he shall prosper” and “shall cause craft to prosper” and “by peace destroy many”?

His prosperity is accomplished by peace. There is no reference to ambitious conquests of territory. His power was to be directed against the holy people, the Christians.

How is he to be “broken without hand”?

The exceeding great horn extends to the second coming of Christ. According to Dan. 2: 39, the brass kingdom (Grecia), was to bear rule over all the earth. Therefore, the present civilization is the product of the goat or the kingdom of brass. Thus it is to be “broken without hand” by God’s kingdom, the stone of Dan. 2: 34, 44 (2SR 141).

3. Read Daniel 8: 10

Who are represented as “the host of heaven”?

The “host of heaven” could not be the Jews, for they were as low spiritually as a people could be. Still further, verse 11 identifies the “Prince of the host” as Christ. Thus, the “host of heaven” are the Christians.

Who are represented as “the stars”?

Speaking of the New Testament era, the “stars” represent the same as they do in the woman’s crown (Rev. 12: 1), the Apostles.

How were the “host of heaven” and the “stars” “stamped upon”?

They were martyred for the truth.

4. Read Daniel 8: 11, 12

What is “the daily sacrifice?”

EW 74: The word “sacrifice” does not belong in the text. It is italicized showing that it is to be disregarded. What we must hold to is the “daily”.

What is the “daily”?

There is not an exact rendering in the Hebrew for the word “daily”. Thus, it is variously rendered “continual,” “everlasting,” “perpetual,” etc. The Sabbath is the only doctrine that is pertaining to a day (daily) as well as everlasting and a continual memorial. Exodus 31: 16, 17: The Sabbath is a perpetual covenant.

What is the “place of his sanctuary”?

The “place of His (Christ’s) sanctuary” must represent the believers understanding of His ministration in the Heavenly Sanctuary. This co-jointly with the Sabbaths (daily) were” cast down” (disregarded and lost sight of).

What is the “abomination of desolation”?

The “abomination” is the doctrine that took the place of the Sabbath and the Sanctuary truths, Sunday observance. God’s presence was grieved from the church, making it “desolate”. Dan. 11: 31: This same horn power pollutes the sanctuary of strength (the Christian church) by casting down the “daily” and the “sanctuary” and replacing the truth with the “abomination of desolation”. Up to the time of Christ, this was not accomplished. Matt. 24: 15, 16: When the abomination stands in the holy place, flee to the mountains. The power that does this wicked work is parallel with the “little horn” which was to “wear out the saints of the Most High” for 1260 days (years – Dan. 7: 8, 24, 25).

What is the meaning of the phrase “an host was given him…”?

This phrase denotes the Pagan flood that joined the church as a result of accepting Sunday worship. Thus far, we have seen that the horn represents Imperial and Papal Rome.

5. Read Daniel 8: 13, 14

What is meant by “the treading of both the sanctuary and the host”?

This phrase speaks of the disregard of the truth of the heavenly sanctuary and the massacre of the Christians who would not worship according to the dictates of this horn-power.

How long would it take before the sanctuary is cleansed?

2300 days. In Ezekiel 4: 6 a day equals a year. This Scripture, along with the fact that this vision finds its fulfillment “at the time of the end” (Dan. 8:16, 17) shows that a day equals a year and the period of the 2300 days ends in 1844. At that time, the “daily” and “sanctuary” truths would be restored (the sanctuary cleansed).

6. Read Daniel 12: 11, 12

When was the “daily” removed?

Of the two time periods mentioned, 1290 days and 1335 days, a blessing is pronounced upon those who wait until the end of the 1335 days (years) showing that they would be blessed as a result of the restored Sanctuary and Sabbath (daily) truths. If we subtract 1335 from 1844, we would be pointed back to 508 A.D. At that time, the “daily” and the “sanctuary” truths were cast down and the “abomination” set up. To understand the 1290 days, add it to 508 A.D, which points forward to 1798 A.D., the time of the end of the 1260 days of Dan. 7:25 and imprisonment of the Pope. Thus, the “treading of the host” ceased in 1798 A.D. but the truth was held down until 1844. This shows that the horn represents Rome in all three of its periods: Imperial, Papal, and Protestant.

7. Could not the “exceeding great horn” symbolize Antiochus Epiphanes?

The “exceeding great horn’s” coming out of one of the four symbolizes a fifth kingdom, not one of the four expanded. Moreover, the term “exceeding great” in contrast to “great” denotes a kingdom greater than Alexander’s. As Antiochus’ kingdom was not half as great as Alexander’s, the theory is discredited.

Meat In Due Season – 20. The Truth and the Host Underfoot (