Why did God call us into the Seventh-Day Adventist Church?
A great work is to be done in our world, and human agencies will surely respond to the demand. The CallingMessages and TestimoniesThe world must hear the warning. When the call comes, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” send back the answer clear and distinct, “Here am I; send me.”
Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 6. pp. 329-333.
About the Ministry
Our existence is based on the principles of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy (to the Law and Testimonies – Isa. 8:20; Rev. 19:10) which embodied in the fundamentals of the Seventh-Day Adventist, committed to carry out the Great Commission of Matt. 28:19, 20
Get Involved
Let us gather together in studying the call, and to unravel events that lead to the Great and Dreadful day of the Lord, the Last message – the cry of the three angels to the SDA Church!
The Cry of the Three Angels to the SDA Church
Join us as we establish a constant relationship with the Present Truth Believers through online media bible study, international fellowship, online midweek prayer, online vesper fellowship and online Sabbath/AY program activities.
Virtual Sabbath Worship
Weekly Sabbath service through our YouTube Care Group Virtual Worship channel.
Service Times
We gather on a weekly basis and have schedules during Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, every Sabbath, and on Sundays. Click here for more information.
Get Connected
We would love to know more about you and your concerns. Please click here to send us a message.
Virtual Bible Studies
Join us as we study the Holy Book
Our Ministry’s Purpose
We have organized ourselves to help bring about the true revival and reformation of the standards set forth…
This Ministry was organized to bring about the true revival and reformation of the standards set forth by the prophet, pioneers and the three angels messages to every Seventh-Day Adventist, empowered by the Holy Spirit in fulfillment to the prophetic role of every member to partake Christ’s righteousness and be purified – the last work for God’s people, the purification of the church (3T 255, 267). To cry aloud and blow the trumpet in Zion giving the last warning of the Great and Dreadful day of the Lord – the destruction of the wicked, the tares separation from the wheat, (Malachi 4:5; Isa. 58:1; Joel 2:1, 15-18, 12, 13; GC88 310.3; Rev. 14:6, 7; Mat. 13:29, 30; TM 45, 46).
Featured Message
Meat in Due Season
A selection of studies pertaining to the call to the SDA Church.
God's Call
The Almighty God has called us through His messenger that we should give ears to listen to His appointed human instrumentalities (TM 188, 475). Somebody is to come in the spirit and power of Elijah, which bring the purification of the church, the judgment of the living message through the fulfillment of the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. Taking heed to the 11th hour call of Matt. 20:2-16 – the last servants of the living God to be the first who will receive the penny-eternal life – the transformed and translated living saints (Mat. 19:30; 20:16; EW 14, 15)
Next Steps
Ways to Get Involved.
Get Involved
Join Us Weekly!
Virtual Vesper Worship
Every Thursday evening
from 8:00PM-9:30PM
Encouraging every brethren to read the Rod especially the Timely Greetings vols. 1 and 2.
Virtual Enrichment
Every Sunday Afternoon
From 1:30PM Onwards
Empowering the youth through trainings, workshop and Bible studies.
Daily Worship in Nepal
Every Saturday evening
From 9:15PM to 10:45PM
We have a series of studies presented virtually.
We Gather on a Weekly Basis
Tuesdays 8:00pm–9:30pm
Wednesdays 8:00pm–9:30pm
Thursdays 8:00pm–9:30am
Fridays 8:00pm–9:30pm
Morning and Afternoon worship every Sabbath
Saturdays 9:15pm–10:45pm
Sundays 9:00am–11:00am
Sundays 1:30pm
Virtual Sabbath Worship
Join us on our weekly service through our YouTube Care Group Virtual Worship channel.
Comprehensive Bible Studies
Watch our compilation of comprehensive bible studies via YouTube.
Sabbath School Lesson
The school that affords to parents and children an opportunity to study God’s Word.
Messages & Testimonies
The Latest News & Updates
Assyrian Confederacy and Current Events