PURPOSE: To reveal what the 7 seals are, and how they relate to the investigative judgment.

INTRODUCTION: As we have already observed, the Book of Revelation is in two parts: Chapter 1-3 – the introduction – consists of messages to the seven periods of the Christian church; and Chapters 4 to 22 – the events of the 7 seals. In Rev 4, the 7 seals begin with the Sanctuary scene then the opening of the seals.

“In the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end” AA585.

“As the books of record are opened in the judgment, the lives of all who have believed on Jesus come in review before God. Beginning with those who first lived upon the earth, our Advocate presents the cases of each successive generation, and closes with the Living. Every name is mentioned,” GC 482 – 483

“The Book with Seven Seals contain the History of the World – (Rev 5:1-3quoted)…There in His open hand lay the book, the roll of the history of God’s providences, the prophetic history of nations and the church…..His commandments, His laws, the whole ruling powers in the nations. In symbolic language was contained in that roll the influence of every nation, tongue, and people from the beginning of earth’s history to its close…” Letter 65, 1898, pp 9-9, 12″ (E.G. White). Also – Manuscript Release No. 667.

“The fifth chapter of Revelation needs to be closely studied. It is of great importance to those who shall act a part in the work of God for these last days.” 9T.267.


Rev. 4:1-8: Summary; a Door, a Throne and One who sat on it, 24 Elders, Sea of glass, 4 beasts. And in Rev 5:1, 6, 7, 11-12: A Book, a Lamb, many angels (see Chart). This vision shows the events which should take place “hereafter”- future of John, i.e. 1844 – the opening of the Judgment of the dead. It is the beginning of Investigative Judgment or the Cleansing of the (heavenly) sanctuary, which started at the end of the 2300 years (Dan 8:14) – 1844 AD (See GC 490).


Dan 7:9 and Rev 4:2, 4 – both Daniel and John saw a Throne and the One who sat on it. Dan 7:10 and Rev 4:6 – both saw a big and transparent area before the throne. Daniel saw it as a bright place, reflecting the glory of the One who sat on the throne – making it appear to him like a lake of fire. John called it a sea of glass. Both names show it to be very pure, clear, glorious space with no better human words to describe it. Daniel 7:13 and Rev 5:11 – very many angels – Daniel 7:10 and Rev 4 & 5 – both show books that were opened – the Investigative Judgment was set and started. Daniel and John saw the same event: Daniel saw it when the judgment session members where taking their positions in the Holy of holies of the heavenly sanctuary, whereas John saw it while the judgment was already in session.

“In the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end. Here is the complement of the book of Daniel. One is a prophecy; the other a revelation.” AA585.


(a) The Door – door of the heavenly sanctuary, to the Holy place from the outer court. Note that the holy and most holy place are actuary a big one room, only separated by a curtain. If the curtain is drawn apart, then the two parts become one. If the curtain is drawn apart and the door to the outer court is left open (which never occurred), then one in the outer court can see fixtures of both holy and holy of holies. This is what will happen at the close of world probation – men on earth will be made to see the Sabbath commandment shining in the heavenly holy of holies! What a panic! Rev. 11:15 – 19 / Amos 8:11-13 /Jere 8:20 will then be fulfilled.

(b) The Throne: Is situated in Paradise, where Jesus went after His ascension. There, Jesus shared the same Administration Throne with His Father (Rev 22:1). That is why it is called the “Throne of God and the Lamb” (Rev 22:1). But in 1844, they moved to the Holy of holies using their moving thrones see (EW 54-55). Jesus’ moving throne or chariot of cloud is recorded in Ezek 1 and 9, 10, and EW it has Cherubims, living wheels and living wings (See Ezek 1). The father’s moving Throne is called “Flaming chariot” (EW 54) or retinue (Isa 6:1-4). In the type, there was no throne in the Holy place, neither is it written anywhere in Scripture. Therefore, there is none in the Heavenly sanctuary – Holy place section, therefore, in 31AD to 1844, they did not sit there because He did the work of the Holy Place by His sacrifice on the Cross (See Hebrews 9:24-28). They just moved from the heavenly HQs or Paradise straight to the Holy of Holies. The Throne in the Holy of holies is the Judgment Throne of the Father – the Judge, before which Jesus the Lamb (Advocate), stood. On record then, are 4 Thrones; two stationary and two moving ones.

(c) The 24 Elders – The Jury, must have been chosen from those who were taken to heaven at different times: Enoch, Moses, Elijah and those resurrected with Jesus (See Lesson 2:3).

(d) The Books of Record: Book of life (See GC 482 – 483 above), and the Book of Remembrance where good and bad words and actions of each person are daily recorded, and is the book used to determine the destiny of those recorded in the Book of life . (The Book with 7 seals). Lastly, the Book of Death where the wicked, the unbelievers, hypocrites, tares…are recorded.

(e) The 4 Beasts: They have different faces, lion-like, calf – like, man-like and eagle like. Since they also sing the same song of deliverance sung by the 24 elders, they represent those who are being investigated. They are divided into 4 generations: (I) Patriarch – Adam to Moses – face of Lion (ii) Sacrificial – Moses to Calvary – face of a calf. (iii) Christian-church militant period – Calvary to Ezek 9, human face (iv) Church Triumphant (Loud Cry) period – the church that never die but live on to fly like an eagles to meet Christ in the air at 2nd Coming – Face of an eagle.

(f) Angels – Millions and millions of them – they are the recorders of the books – the witnesses.


The clue is on knowing what the Book in the right hand of the Father is, because when Jesus opened each sealed section of the book a group of events are shown.

What is this Book? It is the Book of life – where the 7 generations are recorded in 7 chapters or seals. According to letter 65, 1898 and GC 483 above, the seals are but the Book of Life chapters being opened to judge the 7 generations. Therefore, “beginning with those who first lived upon the earth” (GC 482 – 483) – Adamic generation (Adam to Noah).

“Thus the Jewish leaders made their choice. Their decision was registered in the book which John saw in the hand of Him that sat upon the throne, the book which no man could open. In all its vindictiveness this decision will appear before them in in the day when this book is unsealed by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah”- COL 294.

The theory that the 7 seals begin at the Early Christian Church and that a Book of 7 Seals is the Books of Daniel and Revelation tend to hide the sanctuary and Sabbath Truth (3rd Angel’s message)! Also, proof that those who started the theory did not understand what the seals are! How can the Investigative Judgment start with the names of those who lived after 31AD, leaving the entire Old Testament generation without being Investigated upon?


*The 7 Seals are the Chapters of the Book of Life, containing the names and events of believers who are being investigated – beginning with those first lived on earth.