PURPOSE: To reveal that the destruction of the wicked by Noah’s flood is a type of the destruction by fire in the end of time.


(a) John 7:17 / Dan 12:10 /Matt 13:11 – if we do God’s will He will give us understanding, for it is given us to understand God’s secrets, but none of the wicked, sinners and rejecters of Present truth shall understand. “The whole system of types and symbols was a compacted prophecy of the gospel, a presentation in which were bound up the promises of redemption” AA14.

Since the subject of the Kingdom is a pearl of great price, only God’s true people who do His will and accept Present Truth – come what may, will understand it (Tract 3:3 / 2SR 10).

(b) Math 24:37-39 /PP 103-104 – As in time of Enoch and Noah

–  the righteous (Enoch) was translated before the destruction by water so they will be translated before the destruction by fire. And as wickedness was at its highest before the flood, so it is now.


(a) Dan 10:1 -Daniel failed to understand why such along time has to be from the Messiah’s coming 31-34 AD to the cleansing of the sanctuary (1844 AD). He knew the captivity was only 70 years long and was praying for understanding and fulfilment of the return to rebuild Jerusalem. Daniel however, was not given to fulfilment of the return to rebuild Jerusalem. Daniel however, was not given to understand (Dan 12:4) the end time truth including the polluting of the Christian church by the little horn and its cleansing, 1844. It was confidential to him.

(b) Jude 14,15 /pp 89 /pp 85-86 – Likewise Enoch was shown a vision from his time to the end time – to the destruction of the wicked. To come with 10 thousands of His saints and to execute judgement. For the saints: 1844 when He came with the 10 thousands saints’ names to the investigative judgement GC 482 – 483 starting with the dead, ending with the living (144 000 and great multitude). 10 thousand has no value save for the 10 which means universality – all saints of all ages. GC 426 quotes part of Jude 14 with Jude 15 – which now refer to the 2nd Coming. Therefore, “the prophecy by Enoch commenced its fulfilment of the prophetic words (Jude 14) shall be realized at the close of probation. Of this coming of the Lord (for the dead), William Miller was the messenger, and the message of Elijah the prophet…the forerunner for His coming with the living saints, both of the same event – the judgement” 2SR 241.

(c) John the Baptist

According to DA 103, 133 – John and the Jews understood from Daniel’s prophecy that it was about the time of the Messiah, but he also did not understand the how, the nature of His Kingdom – the controversial part of the subject. This was to allow all including the Pharisees to listen to him and seek baptism. But they doubted John and his message because he was not their theological student!.

As Jesus came to announce the nature of His Kingdom (not of this world) they totally rejected it and crucified Him. The problem was on the pre-conceived theories that blinded them to John’s message which could have made them understand Christ’s message and nature of His kingdom.

Therefore the main enemy to Present Truth is erratic, preconceived human theories that blind people beforehand so as they fail to see Present Truth. But had they been accepting the fore-running messages they could have been revived and reformed and accepted the light of Present Truth –e.g. for Noah’s, John for Jesus’s, E.G. White’s, for Elijah’s. Rejection of any message from God grieves the Holy Spirit and makes them blind, hard and wicked

– thus they would not see and accept the plain Present Truth.


Present Truth brings new understanding on old light, and even new things that were not known before e.g. “RAIN” to those Noah was preaching (Gen 1:6-8; 2:5-6, 7:2-5). It is at the rising of Present Truth when millions of people are lost because they lack faith in the prophetic word of God. Instead of repenting and recanting their own human theories they try to exalt them above the light from heaven.

(a) The Close of Probation and Destruction by water

(i) Gen 7:1-4 – Noah entered the ark on the 10th day of 2nd month and God closed the gate. Seven days passed before rains started.

(ii) Gen 7:11, 12,17 – it rained for 40 days from 17th day of 2nd month to the 27th day of the 3rd month.

(iii) Gen 7:20, 24; 8:3 – The water flooded the earth for 150 days i.e. 40 days it rains and 110 days it kept the same level.

(iv) Gen 8:5, 13-14 – The water thereafter began to decrease from the 17th day of the 7th month for 74 days to the time of the appearing of the mountain tops, the Ark rested on Mt. Ararat, and 90 days to completely go. But it took 56 days for earth to dry making 377 days total stay in the Ark. See the sketch chart below:

10th day  17th day  27th day  17th day  1st da  27th day 2nd month  2nd month  3rd month  7th month  1st month  2nd month


(a) Types calls for Antitypes:

2SR 248 – these timings and event were not accidents but types to the destruction in the end of the world.

(i) The 7 days: represented the final completeness of the Gospel and final close of world probation. In the antitype it will be 7 x 7 = 49 days between the close of probation to the start of the 7 plagues. Similarly, Lev. 25:8 – 7 x 7 = 49th to the jubilee year of rest –

which was a type of the millennium – the antitypical jubilee year. Therefore the 110 days part of the flood was a type of the millennium (Isa 60:21).

(ii) The 40 days – Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected within the Passover week, Noah’s first day and week in the ark – 10th day of 2nd month is similar to Christ’s time Passover week: Died on the 16th of the 1st month, rested in the grave on the 17th day – a Sabbath (similar to Noah’s 17th day of the 2nd month when it began to rain), and resurrecting on the 18th day which similarly began the 40 days He stayed with His disciples. In the Antitype – the 7 plagues are to fall on earth 40 x 10 = 400days.

(iii) The 110 days – Noah’s 50th day led him into the same – level water stage of the flood which must represent the Millennium, therefore 49 + 400 = 449 days – 15 months from the close of probation to the 2nd coming of Christ and start of the antitypical jubilee year. To find this a universal number, 10 is used: 10 x 110 = 1100 (the millennium plus the 100 years of Isa 65:20).


Noah in The ark No Rain


Same level of water All dead

Water reduced

earth dries



110 DAYS

164 DAYS


Noah out of ARK

X 7

X 10

X 10

at 377 days



In Kingdom No Plagues


Plagues falling

1100 YEARS

Millenium 1000 yrs +


Isa. 65:20

164 DAYS

Earth burning


Earth Cooling

Saints inherit The New earth

(iv) The 164 days – The literal days in which the wicked and their works are destroyed in fire (Mal 4:1-2).

(v) The 56 days – The literal days in which the earth will be cooling. After which the

Saints move out to inherit the new earth (mal 4:3).


Why the 2nd Month in Noah’s and 1st Month in the Antitype

Joel 2:23 – The 1st month represents the closing work for the church and the harvest of the 1st fruits – 144000. And the 2nd month of Noah – similar to the 2nd month of the closing work – the main harvest of the 2nd fruits – the Great Multitude.

The Later Rain of Joel 2:23 coming with the former rain means the writings of EG White (SOP) was “moderate “from 1844 to 1930 – not well understood, until the arrival of the Latter rain which now comes with them. This joining of the judgement of the Dead and Judgement of the Living messages makes the Loud Cry (EW 277).

(vii) Cain and Abel

Gen 4;7/PP 72-73 – The two brothers represent the two classes in the church – first born, leadership (ministry) and the Laity which were accepting Present Truth – and been persecuted and killed for it. At the present time in SDA – the antitypical Cains are the “ancient men before the house” Ezekiel 9/5T.211 who are:

“Men among us in responsible positions …Hazels to prove a scourge to our people. They are wise above that which is written” 5T.79 – like their father Cain, they exalt their theories and persecute Present Truth believers for not obeying their interpretations.


“NO one should now fail to recognise the signs of the times,” Tract 14:42. Time is running out. The 10 virgins were all wise (Present Truth believers) and foolish were caught napping. (COL 412). Their problem was time – they thought time was still there! God’s people exoded from Jerusalem when it was besieged by the Romans in 70AD. His people in the Dark Ages ran to the mountain when the papacy took over! So are God’s inner-circle people today should be on alert with the signs of the times – expecting that- “time and chance are still the most truth-worth witnesses, as well as the best disclosers of mysteries…” Tract 14:51. Read: DA 759:3/GC673 /GC 327-328/2SR 161:1 & 2 / 2SR 255:1 /GC 359-360 (Wolff’s answer).

What’s the antitype of the Arc?

As in Noah’s ark, the type, so in the antitypical ark, the kingdom, nothing shall hurt or destroy: the lion, the wolf, the lamb, the leopard, the calf, and the fatling shall live peaceably together and, like the ox, all shall feed on “straw.” Thus now, as in Noah’s time, God shall preserve a remnant of man and beast out of His whole creation, instead of exterminating every living thing, and then creating them all over again. 8TR 66.2

As Noah’s ark preserved every living thing that was to inhabit the earth after the flood, in like manner the restored Kingdom of Judah and Israel is to gather and preserve from the plagues every living thing that is to inhabit the new earth; the Kingdom restored is to be the ark in our day, and her people shall live and reign a thousand years with Christ (Rev. 20:4), and finally return when the earth is made new. 2TG31 9.1


Time has come for the true people of God to feed on “butter” – the prophetic word in symbols, parables, types and antitypes, to mature and make them wise to shun evil and choose good. For that reason they are targeted by the devil and his agents, to persecute them for their Present truth, but they should stand upon it Isa 66:5 /Luke 6:22-23.

“….souls are starving for want of the Present Truth, sealing message, meat in due season”- RH Aug 1849. “It would be poor policy to support from the Treasury of God (tithes) those who really mar and injure His work, and who are constantly lowering the standard of Christianity” – 3T. 553.

(g) Ezek 4:1-2 – there we see the war of reformation. The Bible is showing that we should set a “camp” and operate from there to capture God’s church back to Him. The soldiers “ (battering rams) or the hunters – the workers, the literature printing, etc for the siege; all need money – God’s own money – the tithe from the believers of His message, to fulfil this goal. For these reasons, all the full members of this Association return their tithes to the DSDA Association, so that this message of the Judgement of the Living can reach every SDA member before church probation closes and church purification starts.

Elijah’s message is the meat in due season – the storehouse of Present truth where the Bible is telling us now to channel God’s tithes. For those who are convinced by the message and have understood the urgent need to support it, they can contact their local leaders / teacher for further details on how to tithe and how to remit.