PURPOSE: To reveal what the seals are, and how they relate to the investigative judgment.


We have already discovered that the 7 seals are the 7 chapters of the Book of Life, containing the names of those who professed faith in God. Now, dead, their cases have been passing in review in the Judgment. The chapters are opened to call the names of each generation.

1. THE 1ST SEAL – REV 6:1-2

The horses are symbols of preachers (See Lesson 2:2), but in this case, they symbolize a creature which man rules – the earth: at creation, the earth came `out perfect and beautiful. It was given to man to inhabit (Gen 1:26, 28). “Adam was crowned King in Eden” (IBC 1082).

Bow and Arrows: Psa. 127:4 / Gen 3:20 / Gen 1:26, 28 – the instruments he should use to conquer the earth was his wife Eve (bow) to bear children (arrows) to conquer (fill and control) the earth. Adam’s children on this earth now number over 6 billion. The first generation to pass under the Investigative Judgment of the Dead was Adamic (Adam to Noah).

2. THE 2ND SEAL – REV 6:3-4

Red = bloodshed, curse, murder. Sword = wars started on earth when peace was taken out of it. The problem of disunity and international wars started at the Tower of Babel, when different languages were born. This seal started at the tower of Babel to the call of Abram.

3. THE 3RD SEAL – RV 6: 5-6

The Black horse: The colour black denotes spiritual darkness or idolatry. In this generation men started worshipping idols – only Abram was in favour with God – and he was called to move out with his family, for Canaan. Balances = beginning of trade. The Phoenicians, especially those at Tyre and Sidon (Isa 23:8) were defined as “the busy bees of Ancient world.”

The Wheat and Barley: One measure of wheat to 3 measures of Barley for a penny! Penny = eternal life (See lesson 1:6).

One measure = 1 hour. 3 measure = 3 hours – the first and last hour labourers compared: Wheat = saints – the 144 000 and Great Multitude -workers. Therefore the 3 measures, Barley = The Jews and their work – the first group in the vineyard. The announcement starts with the wheat, meaning the first shall be the last, and the last to be the first: The 144 000 get their penny (eternal life) first before the Jews!

“Do not hurt the oil and the wine” (Rev 6:6): This voice came from the Throne (Rev 4:6) – from God. Oil = Holy Spirit – Inspired Truth (See Lesson 1:2). Wine is a symbol of the blood of Jesus. As life is in the blood, it means eternal life is only through Jesus. Oil and wine = Bible and life. The warning was that the Bible should not be hurt (destroyed). It has survived all these generations through hatred and opposition and misinterpretations. The 3rd seal shows the generation that received the first written Bible. Time: Call of Abram to 31AD.

4. THE 4TH SEAL – REV 6:7,8

Pale – a non-descript colour, similar to the non-descript beast of Dan 7:7-8 = pagan and papal Rome. Rider – death = a persecuting power. They ruled the 4th part of the earth – then declined: The earth’s probationary time = 6000 years. Therefore, 6000: 4 = 1500. 31AD (Jesus martyred) + 1500AD = 1531 AD. It takes us to the time of Luther (1530 = Luther’s separation and the Augusburg Confession). Then the Roman power (papacy) declined (See GC 155, 162, 190 / IT .373). Time: 31AD to 1530AD.

5. THE 5TH SEAL – REV 6:9-11

Souls under the alter must be figurative of those who died in the 4th Seal, who then symbolically demanded immediate judgment on the papacy. Alter, symbol of Reformation: The Protestant Reformation. They, being told to rest until others in the 6th Seal should die. This proves that despite the, Reformation, Martyrdom continued even during the 6th Seal. Time of 5th seal = 1530AD to 1844AD.

6. THE 6TH SEAL – REV 6:12 TO REV 7:17

As we observed in the Trumpets, the trumpet and seal in which we live in – us whom these truths are revealed to, are the longest. These universal symbols were the signs of the times: Lisbon earth quake (Nov 1, 1755 – GC 304), Eclipse of the sun (May 19 and 20, 1790 – GC 306), falling of stars 9Nov.13, 1833 – GC GC 3333). Though they were signs of the 2nd coming they were actual signs of the start of the Investigative Judgment in 1844. If so, then the same symbols should have a second application to the warning about the Judgment of the Living: The Earthquake points forward to the shaking and slaughter of Ezek 9. Eclipse of the sun = Judgment of the Living = the Great and dreadful day of the Lord Mal 3:1-3 / Joel 2 and 3 etc. Falling of stars = The shaking and separation in the church when “many a star that we have admired for its brilliancy will then go out in darkness. Chaff like a cloud will be borne away on the wind even from places where we see only floors of rich wheat…. In this time the gold will be separated from the dross in the church” 5T.81.

Many teachers have said the last part of the 6th Seal is the 2nd Coming! But:

(a) The Investigative Judgment is still in progress – still with the dead! Not yet on the Living! The 6th Seal only bring us to the Sealing of the 144 000 (today) and telling us of the purification of the church (Ezek 9).

(b) Rev. 6:16 – Jesus still a bleeding Lamb (atoning = probation still on).

(c) The wrath of the Lamb cannot be the wrath of God, the 7 plagues. It is the slaughter of Ekez 9 in the church (Mal 3:1-3) = the Judgment of the Living which start in the church.

(d) The question.” Who shall stand” in the wrath of the Lamb is also found in Mal 3:1-3, when Jesus comes suddenly to His church to purify it (see 5T. 690 in Lesson 2:6). Those who shall stand are then revealed in Rev. 7:1-9 = the 144 000 and Great Multitude! Thank God that we are the generation blessed with “clear understanding of truth” (6T.420). 9T. 268 (see next paragraph) tells us that Rev 6:12-17, is applicable to the church not only to the world at the close of world probation. A similar situation of panic, of want of this extra oil we are enjoying now, will take place at the close of the church probation, just before and at the beginning of Ezek 9. Remember, the foolish virgins’ experience (Matt 25)

After Rev 6: 12-17 to Rev 7:1-11 is quoted, 9T. 268 says: “In this scripture two parties are brought to view. One party permitted themselves to be deceived and took sides with those with whom the Lord has a controversy. They misinterpreted the messages sent them and clothed themselves in robes of self-righteousness. Sin was not sinful in their eyes. They taught falsehood as truth, and by them many souls were led astray” 9T. 268. The 2 groups refer to the lost who run to hide anywhere they can find at the start of the slaughter of Ezek 9! The inner deceivers are more dangerous than false teachers outside the inner circle!. That is, the men of learning and influence, idolized by the common people are the deadly deceivers! see the idols that speak vanity in Zech 10:1-2 (Lesson 1:4) – “God has shown me that these men are Hazaels to prove a scourge to our people. They are wise above what is written.” 5T.79. They , like Cain their father, do not teach ” to the law and to the testimony” – but their own science and human wisdom! Time of 6th Seal – from the signs of the times and 1844 to the sealing of the 144 000 (today).

7. THE 7TH SEAL REV. 8:1-5

(a) The half – an hour (7 days) silence is not the 2nd Coming! It is a silence from the thundering and lightening’s, Rev. 4:5 and Rev 6:1, which is the sound of the Investigative Judgment since 1844. When this breaks for 7 days, it means change over from Judgment of the dead to Judgment of the living. The slaughter of Ezek 9, which event opens the Judgment of the Living (5T. 211) takes place 7 days, during this 1/2 hour silence. When the (Judgment in the books of heaven), resumes, its sounds extends to the earth – showing that the separation among the Living takes place first as a literal separation of wheat and tares in the church (Ezek 9 slaughter), then the separation of the names in the books of heaven after the slaughter and 1/2 hr silence. Therefore Jesus and His angels during the 1/2 hr silence – suddenly come to purify the church (mal 3:1 – 3 / 5T. 690 / Ezek 9 / Amos 9:9-10 / Isa 66:15 – 20 etc).

(b) After the 1/2hr silence (Rev 8:4) – the prayers of the saints still ascend to the Holy of holies – meaning, probation still open! Isaiah 66:15 – 20 is clear – that Ezek 9 slaughter takes place when probation is till open to the world! Then the judgement of the living in the world will follow on earth (bodly) and heaven (names of Great multitude written in Book of life).

(c) The fire = Acts 2:1 – 4 /Ezek 9:11 / Ezek 10:1-2 / GW 23 = The Holy Spirit in Pentecostal power to the 144 000 survivers, so that they can gather the Great Multitude. Time of the 7th Seal = Ezek 9 Slaughter 1/2hr silence to the end of Loud Cry and the close of world probation. The 144 000 are sealed in the 6th Seal, and the Great Multitude in the 7th Seal – The last saints to be gathered!


The 7 Seals are the 7 chapters of the Book of Life which contains the 7 sealed periods of the earth’s history. In each chapter, are names written and are the ones being investigated upon, starting with chapter 1 – the first generation to be judged. Those who teach that the 7 Seals start with the New Testament, do not understand the whole chapter and are confusing themselves and the church! They are actually the false teachers!.