PURPOSE: To reveal what religion really is and how one can be religious.


Is religion made up of dos and don’ts? Rather, it is following the Lord and doing those things which he leads one to do, it is something living and growing and God’s people must grow with it.


(a) 2Corinthians 3:3 /Exodus 31:18 – is the commandments (righteousness) of God in Human form, i.e. – Love God and your neighbour – keep the commandments (Exodus 20:3-17 /Mark 12:31 / Isa 58:7

(b) Following wherever Christ leads

(i) Jer. 10:23 – but we need a guide – Hosea 4:11 -14, Ephesians 4:11-14 as Israel guided by God through a prophet, and for the perfecting of the saints.

(ii) Tested according to individual ailments (we must give up the “old man”): e.g. Luke 18:22 / John 3:1-3 – The rich young ruler – Riches and Nicodemus – pride.

(c) In order to know it fully, we must experience Christianity: Dan 12:10 / John 3:8 / John 8:14-17


(a) John 16:17 – Pray for the Spirit of Truth.

(b) Isa 55:6-9 – Seek the Lord but forsake unrighteousness.

(c) John 3:5-8 –Must be born again – i.e. to have an experience of becoming a

Disciple of Christ and acknowledging Him publicly. Of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Proclaiming His Truth.

(d) Eph. 4:13/5:27 – Must grow unto perfection (maturity) by the spiritual food of butter and honey – Isa 7:14, 15, 21, 22/Luke 7:34/Mark 2:16/John 4:32/ Matt 4:4/Hebrews 5:12-13.


(a) Now:-

(i) Protects us from day to day- Daniel in Lion’s den, the 3 Hebrews in fiery Furnace, Gideon, Noah, etc.

(ii) Supplies our needs – Moses in the river and in the exodus movement.

(iii) Builds our character by teaching us:

  1. Organization of our person (so as to become: efficiency in controlling , Coordinating, and using strength, energy, means, time); of family (Gen 18:19), of Business (Roman 12:11-live within our means, shun debt, save, trust in God (Matt. 6:27-34/4T.190-191)

2. To pray –Matt 6:5-13

3. To preach – matt 10:5-7, 27

4. To practice the truth –Matt 5:19-20; 23:3, 4 / Acts 20:35

5. To give and forgive –Matt 6:14, 15; Matt 18:21, 22

6. To serve –Matt 20:25-28

7. To fish -John 21:3-6

8. To feed and clothe –Mark 6:35-41 /Matt 25:31-45

9. To pay bills in business –like manner – Matt 17:24-27

(iv) Members of the kingdom – church – to be skilled artisans and tradesmen:

1. Builders, etc – Isa 61:4

2. Agronomists – Isa 61:5,6

3. Economists, personnel and traffic engineers, provisioners – Isa 60:5, 11 / Isa 61:6

(v) Members of the Kingdom – church – to be:

1. Priests, Ministers – Isa 61:6

2. Men wondered at – Zech 3:8

(b) Hereafter:

Rev. 3:21 / Rev 22:14 – be citizens and rulers in God’s eternal kingdom and accessing the Tree of Life.


Who are the citizens of God’s Kingdom?

TM 421: “Christianity has a much broader meaning than many have hitherto given it. It is not a creed. It is the word of Him who liveth and abideth forever. It is a living, animating principle that takes possession of mind… Who are the subjects of the kingdom of God?-

-all those who do His will. They have righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The members of Christ’s kingdom are the sons of God, partners in His great firm. The elect of God are a chosen generation, a peculiar people, a holy nation, to show forth the praises of Him who hath called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. They are the salt of the earth, the light of the world. They are living stones, a royal priesthood. They are in co- partnership with Jesus Christ. These are they that follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.”