How to Obtain the Seal

PURPOSE: To Reveal some of the standards that are required to qualify for the seal and book a place among the 144 000. INTRODUCTION: From the 10 Lessons covered so far, we have seen that the sealing of the 144 000 takes place in the SDA Church before the blowing of...

Kingdom of Glory

PURPOSE: To reveal the Beginning of the Kingdom of Glory in the last days THE INTRODUCTION Many SDAs teach that during the Loud Cry period, we shall be hiding in deep rural areas and preach under cover for fear of the mark of the Beast – or no preaching at all, only...

World War 3 – Signs of the Times

PURPOSE The Bible’s revelation of world events which occur from the end of Sealing, to the Loud Cry time INTRODUCTION : Gen. 15:18 “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the...

Seven Kingdoms of the World

Purpose: To reveal the beginning of the kingdom of glory, the power of the 144 000 to finish the work and further facts about the judgment of the living in the church and world. Introduction: Dan 7/Rev 13/Rev 17 is a record of the world kingdoms from Babylon to the...

144,000 – First Fruit of the Living

PURPOSE: To reveal the mystery of the 144000, where, when they are composed, and the result of their work – the Great Multitude. INTRODUCTION RH MARCH 9, 1905 – “LET US STRIVE WITH ALL THE POWER WHICH GOD HAS GIVEN US TO BE AMONG THE 144 000” 1SM 174: “It is not...

Purification of the Church

PURPOSE: To reveal what the Lord is about to do to finish His Work with His SDA Church. INTRODUCTION: Mal. 3: 1-4 “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the...