Sign of Jonah

PURPOSE: To reveal God’s message to antitypical Assyria that will be given her before her fall. INTRODUCTION Jonah prophesied about the reign of Jeroboam 2 (2Kings 14:23-29). Jonah’s story is well known by everyone. He was sent by God to Nineveh but choose to go to...

The Seven Trumpets

PURPOSE To reveal the meaning and the objective lesson of the 7 Trumpets as a warning to us upon whom the end of the world is come INTRODUCTION *Rev. 8:7-9 “The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the...

Seven Seals Part 2

PURPOSE: To reveal what the seals are, and how they relate to the investigative judgment. INTRODUCTION We have already discovered that the 7 seals are the 7 chapters of the Book of Life, containing the names of those who professed faith in God. Now, dead, their cases...

The Seven Seals Part 1

PURPOSE: To reveal what the 7 seals are, and how they relate to the investigative judgment. INTRODUCTION: As we have already observed, the Book of Revelation is in two parts: Chapter 1-3 – the introduction – consists of messages to the seven periods of the...

King of the North and King of the South

PURPOSE To reveal the mystery of the kings of the North and of the South INTRODUCTION Testimonies Vol. 9, p. 14 “The world is stirred with the spirit of war. The prophecy of the eleventh chapter of Daniel has nearly reached its complete fulfillment. Soon the scenes of...

Living and Dead Forms the House of Judah

PURPOSE: To show that the Living and the Dead will be in the Kingdom of Glory during the Loud Cry period, Before the 2nd Coming INTRODUCTION – THE LINE-UP OF THE RESURRECTIONS 1. Matt. 27:50-52 – At Jesus’ Resurrection – All righteous 2. Dan. 12:2,3 – During the...