An intense comparative study will be performed on this subject to see exactly what is been taught from the Codes, the Brethren, and the Rod. It must first be understood that Tr. #14 was published in 1943, and 2TG. # 41 in 1949 where as, according to the Code, the sermon in 12 SC #1 was delivered in 1942 and in 13 SC #’s 3, 4, 1940. The unrolling of the scroll principle will be applied.

When we speak of a confederacy, we speak in the context mentioned in Isa. 7.

“Our study for today is taken from several chapters in Isaiah, particularly chapters 12, 13 and 14. Some of these chapters contain prophecies which are illustrated by certain experiences of ancient peoples and nations which at some time were to be repeated. We shall now commence our study with only a brief review of what we have already found in chapters 7 and 8 because our time is limited and you are all more or less familiar with it.

“First is mentioned the history of ancient Israel’s unsuccessfully confederating with Syria against Judah, for they could not prevail against her. Instead, both were taken by Assyria. Then follows the prophecy of the birth of Immanuel. Since, however, Christ was born long after the kings of Israel and Syria were taken, it is obvious from verse 16 of chapter 7 that a circumstance was to occur at sometime that would be the antitype of the confederacy which took place anciently between Israel and Syria against Judah, and that in this antitypical period both kings represented by Syria and Israel would be taken by a power represented by Assyria before “Immanuel” would know the difference between good and evil.

“Through these scriptures and historical facts we learned that the antitype of Israel and Syria’s confederacy took place commencing in the first century A.D., when one part of the Christians (Israel) federated with pagans (Syria) against the other Christians (Judah), but their combined church-state power was broken by the Protestant nations (Assyria).

“After Isaiah mentions the ancient historical confederacy and then the sign of Immanuel, which we have just reviewed and applied to the experience of the early Christian church history, Isaiah 8:9 warns against another association of peoples, saying that this confederacy will likewise surely fail and fall to pieces. And for us, this is the main lesson in these chapters. We are instructed as to what to expect and what to do about it.”

“….It can be said that when this association of Isaiah 8 is urged, the leopard-like beast of Revelation 13 is about to pass off and the other period represented by the scarlet-colored beast of Revelation 17 is about to come on the stage of action.”(Symbolic Code, Vol. 12, No. 1 pp 5, 6, 9)

Isa. 7:3-9 – “God was here telling Judah that they should not fear this alliance because He was not sponsoring it. Israel andSyria were dependent on nothing greater than their kings and the capitals of their nations. Judah was instructed to depend on God’s Word which declared that these allied powers would fail to overcome them. Moreover, Judah was told, “If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.” In other words, Judah was told that if they did not believe what God was telling them they would lose out. Their survival, therefore, was wholly conditional on their complete belief in God’s promise only that the alliance formed against them would fail.

“The day is coming when you and I, too, must depend entirely on God’s Word. But unless we know what God’s Word is it is impossible for us to believe Him.

Isa. 8:9 – “God here is challenging a move toward a federation of nations.

“With World War I we began to hear serious proposals for the associating of nations into a single league. Today the proposal is revived, and efforts are being made toward forming a strong and workable union of nations. Indeed, not only is the idea of international federation growing more and more prevalent, but in the minds of many great men, there is the positive conviction that the successful continuance of their nation’s way of life is utterly dependent upon the closest association and cooperation of all those nations which share their way of life.

“The warning given in this chapter to nations and peoples is not to associate and gird themselves or take counsel together, as it would only come to naught. There may be some significance in the repetitions of the warning. If so, it would indicate that either two or possibly three attempts would be made among nations to associate and gird themselves, and it would only end in complete failure. If there should yet be another attempt and there be involved a war against Judah, then Judah, having no adequate means of defense among themselves, will have to let God be their means of deliverance.

Isa. 8:10 — “God’s people take a strong and independent attitude because they believe that God is with them. Most human beings are somewhat like Peter. We have great faith until we meet face to face a trial. When the trial here prophesied comes, though, God’s people must know that God is with them, and they must firmly stand on His side. Through this verse we are made to understand the real reason for the certain failure of the nations in their attempt to obviate the fulfillment of their fears. God is not with them. It becomes distinctly apparent, therefore, that it is the pressing duty of every God-fearing country and individual sincerely to seek God’s will and be with Him, if we are to survive and prosper.

Isa. 8:11, 12 –“God’s people are not only commanded not to participate in the confederacy, but they are to oppose it “to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy.”

“Neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.” It is upon the root of some fear that the confederacy is formed. But that which constitutes their fear is not to constitute the fear of God’s people.

Isa. 8:13 — “God alone is to be revered; God alone is to be feared and dreaded. If there were no possibility for fear at the fulfillment of this chapter, there would be no need for this reassurance and instruction. It is indicative of the fact that God’s People will see themselves absolutely helpless, and they will appear helpless to all others. Then they will receive deliverance from God, and all will behold it.

“If God’s people are approaching the time when they must either confederate or sacrifice their lives, they must be developing that faith which will cause them to believe that “in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” Rev. 9:6.

Isa. 8:14 — ” A sanctuary is a place of refuge. Besides being a place of refuge to God’s faithful ones, He is also to be a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel — Judah and Israel — and a gin and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was the ruling city of Judah. From this it is plain that through this confederacy God is to be a gin and snare to antitypical Judah.

Isa. 8:15 — “This prophecy declares that the confederacy will be a snare — a trap — and that many will fall and be taken in it. It will be a fearful trap and will separate God’s people. Thus is the Lord going to test all His people and let them reveal just how much faith each of them has. In the face of this warning, we must make the necessary preparation so that we will not fall into the snare. God has clearly forewarned His people so that they will not be taken by surprise.

“In Isaiah 24 we are told that there would be a shaking as of an olive tree and but few men would be left.

“The confederacy that we are studying this afternoon commences before the Loud Cry and before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. It is not the Image of the Beast, for this association precedes the Image of the Beast, and the confederacy is formed when the nations are girding themselves for war. Put another way, the confederacy will commence after the sealing and perhaps just before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. Moreover, it is in the time when the Christian nations are united that the woman “Babylon” will sit on the seven “heads” (Rev. 17:9) depicting also the union of the churches under Babylon.

“All those who are not expecting the confederacy, but instead are expecting next the reassertion of Roman church supremacy or the battle of Armageddon or something else are going to fall into this snare, for it will appear to them harmless and perhaps even a good thing. But it will be their trap.” (13SC #3, 4 pp4 -10)

Let’s highlight some of the main points from the Codes.

(1) Isaiah 8:9 warns against another association of peoples, saying that this confederacy will likewise surely fail and fall to pieces. And for us, this is the main lesson in these chapters. We are instructed as to what to expect and what to do about it.”

(2) It can be said that when this association of Isaiah 8 is urged, the leopard-like beast of Revelation 13 is about to pass off and the other period represented by the scarlet-colored beast of Revelation 17 is about to come on the stage of action.

(3) If there should yet be another attempt and there be involved a war against Judah, then Judah, having no adequate means of defense among themselves, will have to let God be their means of deliverance.

(4) God’s people are not only commanded not to participate in the confederacy, but they are to oppose it “to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy.”

(5) “Neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.” It is upon the root of some fear that the confederacy is formed. But that which constitutes their fear is not to constitute the fear of God’s people.

(6) If God’s people are approaching the time when they must either confederate or sacrifice their lives, they must be developing that faith which will cause them to believe that “in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”

(7) This prophecy declares that the confederacy will be a snare — a trap — and that many will fall and be taken in it. It will be a fearful trap and will separate God’s people.

(8) The confederacy that we are studying this afternoon commences before the Loud Cry and before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. It is not the Image of the Beast, for this association precedes the Image of the Beast, and the confederacy is formed when the nations are girding themselves for war. Put another way, the confederacy will commence after the sealing and perhaps just before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9.

The unpublished Code is suggesting that another association of people spoken of in Isaiah Ch. 8: 9 represent a confederacy that will take place after the sealing and before Ezek. 9. For this to occur there must be an intervening time between both events. This confederacy will have a death penalty upon God’s people, and by them opposing it they will be seeking death but will not find it (Rev. 9:6). A war will also be staged against Judah during that time. Does the Rod support these ideas including the other main points?